Verma Ji

Meet Veerma Ji, one of the artisans who have been associated with us from the very beginning. Full of energy and optimism, no trip to his workshop, has ever been disappointing. Why you ask? Well because, he just never says no.

Me: “Why did you agree to work for us, the first time we came to you? Why didn’t you shoot us down because we didn’t get you big orders like everyone else?”

Verma Ji: “Because I can see, you guys like what you do and don’t do it for money. Just like me.”

Me: “Doesn’t everyone work for money?”

Verma Ji: “No, some just work, because they like to, money follows them, who follow their heart”

His work reflects in his calmness, his ideologies reflect in his work. He doesn’t demand from us big orders, but he does ask us to bring him something exciting all the time. That is one reason, we absolutely never deny impractical requests from our textile customers, we know, we have Verma Ji on our side.

It is on days that are the most difficult, that these members of our family give us courage and make us believe in the strength of our foundation. The ones that inspires us to never give up and to always, Say yes!

P.S. : He is a Natural Dyer, was just helping us finish a project no body else seemed to want to put their head into when we took this photograph.

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